The average house price on LABURNUM CLOSE is £434,942
The most expensive house in the street is 8 LABURNUM CLOSE with an estimated value of £551,500
The cheapest house in the street is 1 LABURNUM CLOSE with an estimated value of £336,804
The house which was most recently sold was 1 LABURNUM CLOSE, this sold on 5 Oct 2020 for £285,000
The postcode for LABURNUM CLOSE is IP3 8XE
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 LABURNUM CLOSE Detached £336,804 £285,000 5 Oct 2020
2 LABURNUM CLOSE Detached £395,847 £118,500 3 Aug 2001
3 LABURNUM CLOSE Detached £338,627 £220,000 17 Jul 2014
4 LABURNUM CLOSE Detached £454,204 £80,000 29 Feb 1996
5 LABURNUM CLOSE Detached £489,107 £394,000 23 Nov 2018
6 LABURNUM CLOSE Detached £478,510 £159,000 18 Apr 2002
8 LABURNUM CLOSE Detached £551,500 £110,500 10 Oct 1997